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Teaching The Next Generation About Corals & Marine Life!

Teaching The Next Generation About Corals & Marine Life!

The Coral Centre |

At The Coral Centre, our passion is… well corals. We’re all about protecting and preserving the beautiful coral reefs around the world as well as sustainably growing corals in the UK, for those who share the same passion as us! 

In July 2019 we set up a research system with the aim of promoting and aiding the protection of coral reefs globally. We do this by sharing with you our research and over 42 years’ experience of marine keeping. Through our social media channels, YouTube channel and blog, we’re able to educate and meet people that echo our excitement. 

Recently, we’ve been able to extend this by speaking to and teaching children all about corals and the wonderful life found in our oceans. We truly believe in the importance of teaching the next generation about coral preservation and coral care. A hobby that can introduce children to a career in marine biology and marine conservation. It can all start with a simple conversation or presentation…

Which is why we're so excited to share this incredible experience with you!

In early February, The Coral Centre and Future Oceans Foundation collaborated with Artecology R&D & Independent Arts to support work with Year 4 Pupils from St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School in Newport.

We helped deliver an action packed day to the students full of interactive activities. We visited the local beach and gave some interesting insight on marine life and the coral world. We brought some living corals to show to the group and explain to them via an interactive lesson, the in's and out's of corals.

The children were very interested in learning about marine biology, especially when it came down to how corals grow and reproduce. The students really enjoyed exploring our living coral tanks, where they could get up close with some amazing marine life species!

Check out a few pictures that we took from the day: 

We had an incredible day and we know the children did too. We see everyday the next generations caring greatly about our planet and wildlife. If we’re able to help and inspire dreams in any way, we’d love to. If you’re interested in our team bringing living corals to your school or group, whilst delivering an interactive, fun lesson, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For more information, please reach out to Rob and his team by calling on +44 (0)78 1851 8442 or visiting Coral HQ: Unit 14, Bridge Works, Fontley Road, Hampshire, PO15 6QZ. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form.