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HOW TO CARE.... Leather Corals



These guides are designed to help you get the best from your coral. The information we provide works for us, not only here at coral HQ, but also at home in our home aquariums.

NOTE:  Leather corals may appear shiny and develop a waxy coating so that all polyps remain retracted when added to an aquarium. This is normal, the waxy coating should shed within a few days however it can take a couple of weeks sometimes.



Difficulty to keep level: Easy
Lighting: Moderate
Flow: Moderate 
Temperament: Peaceful
Placement: Middle to Top
Kh: 8-9.5
Mg: 1260-1320



Some Leathers produce a slime, especially when out of water. We recommend wearing gloves and safety glasses. 

Acclimatise your Leather’s slowly (about 1 hour). First float the pot in your water with the lid on for about 15-20 minutes. Then tip away into a container approx 1/2 the water, slowly top the water up about 5ml at a time, until the pot is full, repeat this 2 or 3 times.

Before putting in your system, we always recommend you dip corals in a coral dip of your choice  ( We use two little fish Revive dip for all our corals).

Before placing in your tank, find suitable spots in your system and place the plugs there. Some people putty or glue them in place, but we like to observe the corals for a few weeks before fixing them into position.


Leather Corals a photosynthetic coral so get nutrition from their symbiotic zooxanthellae. They will also take most nutrients from the water column. To make sure your water has enough nutrients we recommend feeding Vitalis Soft Coral food once a week.

Using a small amount of powder, mix it with some tank water in a container. Leave for about 10-15 minutes. Using a pipette add the food to a high flow area of the aquarium. 



Leave enough space for the Leather Corals to expand and spread out. These are fast growing so make sure when placing them, they do not touch other corals or other Leathers.


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